
Noun interpretation

This chapter focuses on related product nouns in IoT platforms.

Product noun interpretation

Noun Description
Product A collection of devices, usually a set of devices with the same functionality. The IoT platform awards globally unique MasterKey for each product. There can be thousands of devices under each product.
Device A specific device that belongs to a product. The IoT platform issues the unique identifier API-Key within the product to the device. Devices can be connected directly to the Internet of Things platform or as a sub-device through a gateway to the Internet of Things platform.
Device certificate Device certificates refer to ProductId, MasterKey, and DeviceId. ProductId: is the global unique identity issued by the IoT platform for the product, and MasterKey: Custom or automatically generated device names that are unique within the product dimension when you register a device. This parameter is important and is used in device authentication and communication, so you need to keep it, and DeviceId: unique within the product dimension. This parameter is important and is used in both device authentication and communication, so you need to keep it.
model is a description of the device's functionality in the cloud, including device information and feature properties. The IoT platform describes the material model by defining a description language of an object, called The Thing Specification Language, in the JSON format.
Property A functional model of a device that is generally used to describe the state of the device running, such as the current ambient temperature read by the environmental monitoring device. Property supports GET and SET request methods. The application can initiate a read and set request for a property.
Data resolution script For devices in the MQTT product that are in a pass-through/custom format, data resolution scripts need to be written in the cloud to convert binary data or custom JSON data from the device to standard data formats on the platform.

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