
Group Details Page

The Group Details page is responsible for presenting all information about the grouping, including the groupid and related device information.

Background information

This document describes how to view grouping details and how to manage the relationship between grouping and devices.

View group details

  1. Sign in to the IoT Management Platform console.
  2. The left navigation bar selects universal product management, selects the products that the thieves need to manage and then clicks on the view on the right side of them, groups the list, and goes to the list page.
  3. Click the view button on the right side of the corresponding group to enter the details page, as shown in the figure:1552529697057

  4. The details page provides basic information about grouping, and click on the device list to see which devices are under the group, as shown in the figure:1552529803621

Remove some devices under grouping

  1. Select the device that needs to be removed in the list of devices, and you can select it multiple.
  2. Click delete on the right.
  3. Click to confirm to delete. (The deletion here only removes the grouping information of the related device, and does not delete the device.1552530000352

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