
Create a device individual

A product is a type of device that needs to be created for a device after the product is created. You can create a single device, or you can create devices in bulk. This article describes the creation of individual devices.

  1. Sign in to the IoT platform console.

  2. Left navigation bar select Create a device individual Click on the View that needs to be added to the product bar . . . after entering the product details page, clicking on the device column to enter the device sub-bar, clickon on the new device on the right

  3. Fill in the device name.

    Description: DDescription: that is, the device name) needs to be unique within the product.ç

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  4. Click confirm. Complete device creation.

    Once the device is created, it will automatically appear in the list of devices below.

Description of the device type:

Gateway: Refers to a device that can mount a sub-device directly Non-gateway: refers to a device that cannot mount a sub-device

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